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ship and sunset

Our impact

We are deeply committed to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices. This commitment is reflected in our own dedicated program program that we established in 2023, which comprises a series of initiatives that reflect the key ESG areas in which we are focus on . Our achievements in these areas and the personal involvement of our own people in numerous activities, underscore our mission and values to create and build sustainable value.

Margaret Veniou

I am proud to share the transformative initiatives our company is spearheading to create a sustainable and prosperous future. Our commitment to environmental stewardship and social responsibility drives us to continuously innovate and invest in areas that not only enhance our business but also contribute positively to the world we operate in.

Margarita Veniou

Chief Corporate Development, Governance and Communications Manager of Diana Shipping Services S.A.

Our Achievements in numbers

Reduction of C02 emissions in the last 3 years


Reduction of C02 emissions in the last 3 years

Seafarers & Shore based employees


Reduction in LTIF from 2022 to 2023

Dry Bulk carriers under management


bribes and sanctions

Our commitments & focus areas

Together for good

Together for good

Our Together for Good program is our  commitment to be a catalyst for positive change.

To achieve that we work together as one, focusing on doing business in a responsible way, while continuously improving both our environmental footprint environmental footprint and our societal impact on our people as well as on society at large.

Our Together for Good program comprises of 3 pillars: Go For Green, Go For People, Go For Excellence.