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GO FOR People
Jun 04, 2024

Commitment to Social Responsibility: Supporting Education and Community Empowerment

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Diana Shipping Services proudly supports social responsibility initiatives as part of our ESG strategy. Our recent contribution aided recovery efforts in Thessaly after the 2023 flood and supported the "Link for Schools" program.

Through DESMOS, we donated to Peplos Primary School in Evros, addressing critical needs and enhancing learning environments, including covering essential administration costs. This school, with just 25 students, faced unique challenges in providing quality education. Our support has made a tangible difference, offering essential resources and opportunities to these children.

Our commitment to community empowerment extends beyond this project. We believe in giving back and supporting initiatives that drive positive change, embodied in our "Together for Good" program. This program highlights our dedication to social responsibility, environmental stewardship, and employee well-being.

We take pride in transforming Peplos Primary School's library into a vibrant hub of learning and creativity. This project showcases the importance of investing in communities, empowering future generations, and fostering a brighter tomorrow.