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GO FOR Green
Jun 06, 2024

Just go Zero program

Appellatio Bene Exerci Ille Refero

The DSS initiative "Just Go Zero," launched in collaboration with Polygreen, marks a significant step towards establishing zero-waste practices within our company. This comprehensive program targets various waste streams, including coffee grounds, food waste, cigarette butts, and recyclable materials, implementing sustainable disposal and recycling processes across all operations within our offices. The initiative has been enthusiastically adopted by DSS employees, reflecting their commitment to environmental stewardship.

"Just Go Zero" aligns seamlessly with the 'environment' pillar of our broader Together for Good umbrella programme, which underscores our dedication to addressing critical environmental issues. By integrating zero-waste practices, DSS not only reduces its ecological footprint but also sets a powerful example for sustainable corporate behavior. The initiative provides valuable insights into waste management, helping employees understand the impact of their actions and fostering a culture of shared environmental responsibility.

Through "Just Go Zero," DSS continues to champion innovative solutions that protect our planet, ensuring a healthier environment for future generations while reinforcing our core values of being true, curious, trustworthy, and proactive.